Consulting services.
Market Research.
Utilizing advanced market research tools, we can help you discover a data story that will improve your decision making. Research is vital to making smart decisions in the world of real estate. Whether you are an agent that wants to outsource or an investor that wants a deep dive into a specific property or market, we can help.
GIS Mapping.
Visualization of data is more important than ever. We live in an increasingly visual world that demands creative methods of storytelling. Instead of showing a prospective client a simple list of data points in an Excel sheet, we can help you create a dynamic heat-map that brings this data off the page.
Financial Analysis.
Have a gut feeling about a property? That feeling when you know its a sure thing; we can help you confirm that feeling through research based financial analysis. From simple to complex, we can help you see a more clear picture of the development lifecycle through the numbers.
Back of the napkin.
When you see a property that piques your interest, our back of the napkin calculator can help you get an idea of that property’s financial potential. Input lot area and zoning, the calculator will output the exact number of dwelling units allowed by right. Getting this information quickly and efficiently will allow you to make more nimble decisions.
Financial pro-forma.
After you have found your property, we can help you build a more detailed cash flow analysis that will guide you in your development process. Using research, we can help you fine tune your market assumptions to improve the accuracy of your financial projections. We help you create a pro-forma that is tailored specifically to you and your project.
Owners Representation.
We help property owners, investors and developers feel confident through the build lifecycle by acting as a liaison between owner and general contractor. Depending on when in the development cycle we are hired, we can help find the right GC for the job or we can come in midstream in a effort to make the process run smoothly to the finish line.